Talking with Sean Murray on The Good Life Podcast.
Speaking at CreativeMornings/Louisville on the topic of boredom.
Media Coverage
partial list
The Times (London), “In an age of endless entertainment, why is boredom on the rise?”
National Geographic, “Boredom can actually help people reach their creative potential”
The Washington Post, “Lie down, sit still, take a break: Your brain needs a rest”
The New York Times, The Well Newsletter, "How to Be Bored, and What You Can Learn From It"
Lifehacker, "Why You Need Boredom Time Every Week"
Vice, “How to Be Bored”
Huffington Post UK, “We're Really, Really Bored. But Here's Why We Should Embrace It”
Fast Company, “The Science Behind How Boredom Benefits Creative Thought”
Fast Company,“6 Ways the Most Successful People Conquer Boredom at Work”
Business Insider, ”17 things you should do if you're bored at work”
Business Insider, “6 Scientific Benefits of Being Bored”
Vogue Australia, August issue, “Sweet Nothings” (online version: ”Science says, taking a break from work can actually boost your productivity”)
Nautilus, “What Boredom Does to You”
Great Day Live, WHAS 11 (ABC), interviewed by Terry Meiners and Angie Fenton
On Tapestry, CBC, interviewed by Mary Hynes.
Harvesting Happiness, interviewed by Lisa Cypers Kamen.
Seize the Moment Podcast: How Boredom, Frustration, and Anticipation Lead Us to Growth.
Real Fiction (WERA), interviewed by Lori Messing McGarry.
Interview with Sean Murray for The Good Life Podcast
Business Matters, BBC World Service, interviewed by Roger Hearing
Note to Self (WNYC Podcast), interviewed by Manoush Zomorodi
“Ιδεοδρόμιο,” a radio show on Greek public radio (Πρώτο Πρόγραμμα – ΕΡΤ), interviewed by Eirini Giannara
WHAS-AM radio and Kentucky Focus, interviewed by Suzanne Duvall
UofL Today radio show, interviewed by Mark Hebert
NewsTalk Radio (Ireland), interviewed by Sean Moncrieff on October 29, 2015 (http://www.newstalk.com/listen_back/)
Radio New Zealand, “The Value of Boredom,” August 15, 2015 (www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/201766631/andreas-elpidorou-the-value-of-boredom)
print & digital media
The New York Times, The Well Newsletter, interviewed by Melinda Wenner Moyer for "How to Be Bored, and What You Can Learn From It"
Science News, interviewed by Sujata Gupta
Bild der Wissenschaft, interviewed by Christian Wolff
Vogue Australia, interviewed by Remy Rippon
Weekendavisen (Danish Newspaper), interviewed by Anders Boas
Σχεδία — Περιοδικό Δρόμου (http://www.shedia.gr/), interviewed by Maria Papadodimitraki for article titled «Η Μαθησιακή Γοητεία Της Πλήξης”
US News & World Report, interviewed by Michael Schroeder (http://health.usnews.com/wellness/mind/articles/2017-01-03/could-you-benefit-from-boredom)
New York Magazine, interviewed by Melissa Dahl for background information (http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/09/how-easily-bored-are-you-take-this-quiz-to-find-out.html)
University Affairs (http://www.universityaffairs.ca/) interviewed by Diane Peters for background information (http://www.universityaffairs.ca/features/feature-article/growing-fascination-boredom/)
Women’s Health, interviewed by Lisa Haney for background information.
Nature, “Why Boredom is Anything But Boring,” interviewed by Maggie Koerth-Baker
U.S. Catholic magazine, “The Sound of Silence,” interviewed by Pamela Hill Nettleton
Wired, “Boredom is Interesting,” interviewed by Clive Thompson for background information